20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like
When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:
[ Read : 100 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend ]
[ Must Read! : 50 Questions to Ask a Guy You Have a Crush On]
Question #1.) What makes you smile?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.
Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!
Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?
Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.
Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!
Question #6.) What’s your family like?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.
Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.
Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!
Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.
Question #10.) What is your favorite food?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!
Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.
Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.
Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!
Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.
Question #15.) Who was your first crush?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.
Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.
Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!
Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!
Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.
Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?
Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.
Eliana Rizo
November 16, 2015 at 3:40 am
Well i broke up with my ex because i wasn’t ready and hadn’t had an interest in him. I felt bad and i decided to give him another chance but it didn’t work out and now i am feeling like a bad person
web admin
November 16, 2015 at 5:35 pm
You tried your best, and now your relationship is over. In the future, you probably should not date someone if you do not feel interested in them. The second time you dated him seems to be because you felt guilty for not liking him as much as he likes you. Unfortunately, this is an incredibly common experience. It is normal for one person to love more than another, and it is also possible to fall out of love. Although you feel bad now, at least you are not still leading him on by remaining in the relationship. Move on, enjoy life and find someone that you really like to date.
November 15, 2015 at 1:44 am
Ok so there’s this guy that I really like and he likes me to but all we do is text and talk on the phone. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to tell him I like him and want to be more than friends. I just don’t know if he feels the same way. What should I do?
web admin
November 16, 2015 at 4:03 pm
If he always texts you and talks to you on the phone, then there is an excellent chance that he is interested in you. I would strongly consider telling him how you feel because that may be the only way that you can ever turn your dream into a reality. If he likes you, then you can be with him immediately instead of having to wait. Plus, there is always a chance that he would lose interest or lose hope in having a relationship with you, so it is better to make a move sooner rather than later.
November 13, 2015 at 9:38 pm
What do you say to get a guy to know that you really like him
web admin
November 14, 2015 at 12:49 am
You could always just tell him that you really like him. As far as the best way to make him know that you are interested, that is obviously the best option. We also have some articles on Her Interest with flirt text messaging ideas. You could check out some of those text messages and send him a couple so that he knows you are interested. Good luck!
November 12, 2015 at 2:57 am
So this guy asked me for my number and sometimes i feel like he isn’t that interested. He takes long period of times to reply, or even not reply at all. Also, sometimes i don’t know appropriate questions to ask him since we haven’t been talking for long, and also don’t know what questions to ask to seem interesting.
web admin
November 12, 2015 at 6:44 pm
Do you know if there is any reason for him to be busy all the time? If he is working, in school or plays sports, he may just forget to reply if he gets the message when he is unable to respond. The fact that he did ask you for your number seems to indicate that he is interested in you. As for questions to ask him, start with the basics like how his day is going, plans for the weekend or how a test/work/homework assignment/competition went. You should also try talking to him more often in real life because it will help you to become more comfortable around him and it is easier to get a conversation flowing naturally.
November 9, 2015 at 4:18 pm
We have been dating for 5 months and he still hasn’t asked me out
web admin
November 11, 2015 at 3:22 pm
If you have already been dating for five months, then this is a perfectly normal, acceptable time for you to ask him where you guys are at in your relationship. He may be afraid of starting that conversation, or he may have just assumed that you guys were already an official couple. Either way, it could certainly help you to just talk to him about where you guys are at in the relationship and where he wants it to be headed.
November 1, 2015 at 4:42 am
There is this boy who asked me for another chance but before we broke up this last time he was kind of blocking me out and flirting with one of my good friends, he said he made a bad mistake by splitting up with me, I told him I would give him a chance if he treated me like a man was suppose to treat his girl and would quit flirting, do you think that was a good idea?
web admin
November 2, 2015 at 4:05 pm
If he actually listens to what you said, then it is a good idea. It sounds like he may have been flirting with one of your friends to make you jealous–or, at least, that is the most likely reason. What exactly was the reason for breaking up? If the reason still exists, then it will still be an issue if you date again. Also, you may want to be more specific about telling him to treat you like a man ought to. That can mean something different to everyone, so you may want to give him more concrete things to do. Otherwise, he could try his hardest and still end up failing.
October 31, 2015 at 12:38 am
Hi, So I’m currently talking to this guy he’s the same age as me and he says he really likes me and wants to meet up with me, I’m very self conscious of my weight and I’m worried that he won’t like me as soon as he sees me, even though he said you don’t have to be thin to be attractive, but also he has a child, and although I’m 21, I still live with my parents for the time being and don’t know how to tell them he has a son, I’m worried they’ll freak out.. Please help me
web admin
October 31, 2015 at 2:18 pm
I would not worry so much about your parents–let’s focus on one worry at a time. First, you should go ahead and meet up with this guy. He may be exactly what you are looking for or he may not, but you will never know if you do not meet up with him in person. As for your weight, he must have found your profile pictures to be attractive–plus, you probably think that you are far heavier than you actually are. Go on the date, have some fun, and see where things go. After things start getting serious, you can figure out a way to tell your parents. The relationship may never become serious though, so there is no reason to worry about what could happen just yet.
October 30, 2015 at 8:09 pm
He claims im his,calls me his babygirl,gets very overprotective when he sees me talking to my guy friends and asked me out many times and i do like him alot n apparently he loves me but i dont know,i feel like hes a player.
web admin
October 31, 2015 at 2:11 pm
Do you think that he is a player for sure? How many girls has he dated since he started expressing an interest in you? If he has not dated anyone since that time, then you can assume that he is extremely interested in you. At any rate, you will never find out how things could end up unless you risk it. Over time, he may give up on asking you out, so this may be your only chance to date him and find out where things could go. What do you want to do?
October 22, 2015 at 9:30 am
So, I’ve recently just started crushing on this “Rebel” or “Bad ass” guy from my school. I am almost 100% sure that he likes me back but, he’s never told me so, that’s where the almost comes in. I didn’t actually start “Crushing” on him until, I started getting the feeling that he liked me. Some signs he does that makes me think he likes me is…
1. For a naturally outgoing and flirty guy, he’s unnaturally awkward around me.
2. When his friends is with us, THEN, he’ll be more outgoing.
3. He’s been the one to initiate ANY conversation we’ve had (the thought of me talking to him first nearly gave me an anxiety attack).
4. When talking to me, he almost NEVER looks at me. He’ll look anywhere but at me.
5. My friend says he’s more smile-y and joke-y around me.
6. He tries to make me laugh. A lot.
7. Even though our convo gets awkward at times, he’s been the one to fill the awkwardness.
8. He’ll always “Jokingly” say “Kayyy Byeee” but, he never actually leaves.
9. His friends usually hang out where I hang out with MY friends and he’s had multiple chances to just go talk to them but, he almost never does. He’ll hang around me, whether it be on his phone but, facing me or whatever.
10. When I ask him to come with me to places, he does without question.
11. He’s let me draw on him and that caused us to have A LOT of skin contact.
12. He tries to show off to me (“Did you know I know Karate?”, “You know how some guys have to flex to have muscles? I don’t.” etc).
13. He looks at me when I’m not looking.
14. He’s actually nice to me (One of my friends say he’s a douche).
15. He teases me about my favorite bands (mind you, he likes the same ones).
16. The first thing he does when he gets out of his car in the morning is go to our normal hang out place and he’ll say “Hi” to my friend when he sees her and then come straight to me.
17. In the beginning of class sometimes, he’ll come by my table and just try to talk to me for a minute or two before going to his seat.
18. He uses almost any excuse to touch me (playful hitting, high-five, fist bump, rubbing my back if he’s hit me on accident, etc).
19. He wants me to touch him. He uses his “showing off” skills to get me to touch him (“I have an 8 pack. Punch me.” or “Squeeze my arm. Do you feel that?” and etc).
20. He used to tease me about how we first started talking (I inquired about his relationship status to my friend and she told him I thought he had a girlfriend, ever since then, he hasn’t stopped messing with me. At first it was occasional but, now it’s just straight up being around me and actually trying to make conversation with me).
And yeah..So far, that’s all I’ve got. Do you think it’s likely he likes me back?
web admin
October 24, 2015 at 8:55 pm
It sounds entirely possible that he could like you back. If you are both single, perhaps you could get his number and start texting him or you could ask him on a date. Good luck!
October 28, 2015 at 11:45 pm
so I told him I liked him yesterday and he told me he already knew I did and then told me “Even if I did like you, I’m not looking for a relationship right now…” And he told my friend the exact same thing when she asked him but, also told her that getting involved with him wasn’t a very good thing. He also told me, even though it was in a joking manner (I could tell that there was SOME seriousness underlying his tone), “Whenever I have a girlfriend or like a girl, every girl that likes me start hating on that girl and me, because I chose that girl.” (He’s cocky, I know).
web admin
October 29, 2015 at 3:40 pm
At least if you guys are both on good terms, there is always a chance that you could be together later. Plus, you were able to get your feelings out in the open and it was not so hard after all.
It would be nice if he wanted to date, but at least you know now that it is not a possibility for at least the near future. Good luck, Alisa!
October 18, 2015 at 11:44 am
Hi, my names Jess.
There’s this guy that I like and he likes me a lot too. The thing is that some people are telling me not to date him because he’s bad news and is only after sex. But other people are telling me that he’s a good guy and cool. I asked him if he was only after “intimacy” and he said no, he only wants to be with me and be there for me and everything. I really need help on whether I should date him or not. What’s your opinion? Please help me!!!!
web admin
October 19, 2015 at 4:10 pm
You would probably be the best person to decide what he is in to. Since everyone is saying opposing viewpoints right now, it is possible that he normally has relationships for just sex, but that he is also able to be in a committed relationship. If so, you could be the person that he actually cares about and commits to. I would probably try dating him for a while and see where things go. If it seems like he is pushy when it comes to physical intimacy or sex, then that is probably what he is interested. If he never pushes you to do anything and is fine with not getting physical, then he was probably being honest with you.
October 17, 2015 at 2:54 pm
On the 14, this boy that I’ve never met (but goes to my local high school) says he likes me (and has since seventh grade). He apparently got my number because he texted the wrong one. He’s a sophomore and I’m a freshman. He’s been very sweet to me, as well. He tells me things such as (this is going to be long) “Haley, you’re the most beautiful girl to me. Every time I see you, I get so nervous because you’re way out of my league and I always want to approach you in school but then I think to myself “why would someone like her be interested in someone like me?”. Then I don’t end up saying anything to you and I regret it. If I had said something earlier maybe I could’ve gotten to hug you by now but I can’t because of my social anxiety. Since the first time I saw you, I’ve wanted you to be mine. Everyday I would think about us together. But I know you don’t feel that way so its okay. And we just started talking the other day.” No one has ever liked me before, so I thought it was a prank at first, but after that message, I’m torn between whether or not he really does like me.
web admin
October 19, 2015 at 2:39 pm
I doubt that he accidentally texted the wrong number to reach you–it sounds like a cover for getting your number from a friend and starting to text you. It sounds like he is sincerely interested in you–the fact that you have never knowingly had someone crush on you is probably why you think that it is so unlikely. If he keeps texting you things like this, then he is probably completely enthralled by you. Now, the only question that you really have to answer is how you feel about him. Do you like him? Or do you think that, if you knew him better, you could like him? It is probably your turn to make a move, since he has already opened up about the way he feels.
Skye Awesome
October 14, 2015 at 2:36 am
Hi, so this one guy passed me a note and it said hi its *name*: i like you. And so after school.i texted him and we were just talking and i said oh and i forgot to mention.. i like you too.. but i get all awkward when im not on my phone like i will screw something up. I just get so nervous so easily.. and he is planning on asking me out soon (according to his and my friends) what do i do to actually talk to him during class and not be so nervous and awkward?
web admin
October 15, 2015 at 5:47 pm
I do not think that you have to worry too much. He obviously feels shy and nervous around you as well, or he would have told you about his feelings in person instead of just through a note. I think that there is an excellent chance that he will ask you out. Since you like him, just say yes! It is normal to feel awkward, and your shyness could be perceived as mysterious by him (especially since he likes you and seems to feel just as nervous). Over time, things will et easier as you get to know him better and really start to get comfortable around each other. Good luck, Skye!
October 13, 2015 at 12:02 am
So there’s this boy I like and he.likes me too. And we usually text everyday and Monday through Friday on the bus since we ride the bus together and sit together ( we only.live a street away) and I think he wants to ask me out but he’s nervous. I don’t know what to do. I like him to, and if he wants to ask me out should I wait for him to ask me, or should I ask him. I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!
web admin
October 15, 2015 at 3:25 pm
You can wait for him to ask you if you are afraid of getting reject, or you can just ask him out. If he always sits with you and texts you, then he probably does like you. If he were to say no, it would probably be for a reason like he is not allowed to date yet or something similar. It sounds like he is interested, so ask him out if you are feeling brave.
October 12, 2015 at 2:24 am
I have also have known him since last November. We text almost ever night….sometimes me and my friend will Skype him….he also rides my bus and sits with me. Plus he only.lives a street away from me. But like I said before I really like him and he really likes me too. I’m clueless cause I’ve never had a boyfriend before, and I swear he wants to ask me out but I think he is having trouble because I think.he doesn’t want to hurt my feeling. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
web admin
October 15, 2015 at 2:38 pm
Has he told you that he likes you and does not want to date anyone right now? Or did you just assume this? If you do not know for sure that he feels that way, you could always try asking him out and see what he is thinking. There is always the possibility that he is just afraid of getting rejected, so he has held off on asking you out.
October 12, 2015 at 2:15 am
There’s this boy that I have been texting. I like him and he likes me. But he said that he doesn’t want to date anyone yet. But every time I’m with him he smiles and try to impress me. I think he wants to ask me out. What do I do?
web admin
October 15, 2015 at 2:37 pm
I would just be friends with him and keep texting him. He might not be ready to date anyone yet, but it sounds like he has developed quite an interest in you. For the moment, all you can do is stay friends with him, flirt with him and hope that he changes his mind about dating. Good luck, Mackenzie!
October 11, 2015 at 12:32 pm
Hi, great post. I’m currently looking for a special someone to enter my life. My problem is that i have very high standards-esp with looks,body’s built and so i have a hard time trying to even talk to a guy if he doesn’t meet my standards. It’s very hard to find a guy who hads what i want and as years go by,the number of single men is becoming less.it is causing great amount of panic in me. I try telling myself to look beyond looks but i somehow can’t.
Another problem is that i keep everyone at a distance because i like my privacy and spending time alone. I think this is also leading to a lot of time wastage as far as my dating life goes.
Could you please give some invaluable advice as to how i can deal with the above and find a good guy to date and then marry?
web admin
October 13, 2015 at 9:50 pm
As far as your standards go, I do not have any short cuts to lowering your standards or helping you to get a guy who only fits your physical requirements. Especially as people age, their looks start to go, so it is less and less likely that you will find someone who suits your physical needs–and even if they do, they probably will not in a few years. When it comes to dealing with all of your privacy needs, I would recommend finding a hobby. If you find something that you like doing, you can do it in your free time alone or with someone else. Plus, your future partner could take part in the hobby so that you still have the time to unwind that you need, but you do not have to close your self off to the world.
October 10, 2015 at 3:26 am
So before I came to school, my boyfriend and I broke up because he didn’t approve. Then I met this guy, well call him Oscar, and we kinda started quickly into our relationship at the beginning of the school year. I’ve been seeing Oscar for about two months now. But my family doesn’t approve or acknowledge our relationship. And now I find myself having feelings for another guy, Anthony, and I’m unsure what to do.
web admin
October 11, 2015 at 4:40 pm
Before you do anything, you should decide if you still like Oscar. It is normal to have a slight crush on someone that you are around a lot because the opposite gender does not stop being attractive just because you are with someone. At the same time, encouraging these feelings would be a bad idea if you plan on staying in your relationship with Oscar. First, decide what you want to do with Oscar. Do not take Anthony into account. If you break up with Oscar, it needs to be for reasons that actually relate to Oscar. You said that your family does not approve of him, so if you are not interested in him as well, it would be fair to end things. If you do break up, then you can try going after Anthony. If you decide that you are still in love with Oscar, then you should stay with him and forget about Anthony. Oscar might just be a rebound relationship though, so you may want to carefully consider how genuine your feelings are for him.
Nevaeh baca
October 9, 2015 at 5:58 pm
There is this guy that is texting me & he said he likes me & we’ve been texting for like 10 months & he said he likes me & wants me to be his but he doesn’t ask me out so idk if he’s that intrested in me , like I’m intrested in him.
web admin
October 11, 2015 at 3:40 pm
If he says that he likes you and wants you to be his, then he probably means it. Since you have not shown your true feelings quite yet, he may be afraid that you will reject him if he actually asks you out. If you guys are still texting and he still seems interested, why don’t you try asking him out? You do not have to keep waiting around for him to do it, especially since you already know that he is interested in you. Good luck, Nevaeh!
October 7, 2015 at 2:39 am
There’s this guy that when seems uninterested when we text, like one word responses when I ask questions, and he replies in hour intervals, but when we see each other, he flirts with me and “accidentally” on purpose bumps me. I’m getting mixed signals, so I don’t know what to do.
web admin
October 8, 2015 at 3:44 pm
It sounds like he could like you–he might just hate actually texting. Some people are terrible at texting, and he seems to be one of them. The fact that he flirts with you and “accidentally” bumps into you all of the time makes it sound like he could be interested in you. Have you tried having a friend ask him who he likes? Or have you tried asking him on a date?
September 30, 2015 at 10:17 pm
im in a recent relationship he’s great but when ever we talk there r times where i feel like he’s not interested or maybe just don’t make an effort to talk and i try making conversations he talks back but i don’t feel like he makes an effort to keep the conversation going
web admin
October 1, 2015 at 3:41 am
He might just be bad at talking. Some people are more comfortable with just relaxing and enjoying silence than other people. When you are in a relationship with someone like this, it can take some time to get used to. If you really want to draw him out, try talking to him about the things that he is the most passionate about–this could be a sport, hobby or his goals in life. Whatever it is, he will be more inclined to talk if he really cares for the topic. Even if it turns out that he loves to talk, he may also be silent right now because he feels shy or awkward around you. As you both become used to each other, it should become easier for you guys to make conversation. Good luck, Ezra!